Wednesday, April 15, 2009


shaanta-kaaram bhujaga-shayanam

padma-naabham suresham

vishwa-dhaaram gagana-sadrisham

megha-varanam shubhaangam.

lakshmi-kaantam kamala-nayanam


vande vishnum bhava-bhaya-haram


Meaning of the Vishnu Mantra
I sing praise to Lord Vishnu.
He who has the peaceful (shaanta-)
demeanor and visage (-kaaram).
He who sleeps and reposes (-shayanam)
on the serpents (bhujaga-).
He who has a lotus shaped (padma-) navel (-naabham).
He who is the master and lord
of all the gods (suresham).

I pray to the Lord Vishnu.
He who holds (-dhaaram) the
universe (vishwaa-) in his hands.
He whose vision (-sadrasham) exceeds
beyond all the skies (gagana-).
He whose color and visage (-varanam) is
changeable like the clouds (megha-).
And he who is filled with goodness (shubh-)
in every part (-aangam) of his body.

I sing praise to the Lord Vishnu.
He who is the husband (-kaantam)
of the goddess of wealth (-lakshmi).
He whose eyes (-nayanam) are surreal
like a lotus flower (kamala-).
And he who yogis yearn to reach (-agamyam)
through meditation (-dhyaana).

I sing praises (vande-) to the Lord Vishnu (-vishnum).
He who removes (-haram) all our fears (-bhaya)
due to our inborn nature (-bhava).
And he who is the master (-naatham) of the
entire (-sarva) universe and creation (-lokaika).

Monday, April 13, 2009


yaa kundendu tushhaar haara dhavalaa
yaa shubhravastraavR^itaa .
yA vINaavarada.nDa ma.nDitakaraa
yaa shvetapadmaasanaa
Salutations to the supreme Goddess Saraswati...whose face is fair as a jasmine flower, luminiscient like the moon and delicate as a snow flake ; who is dressed in brilliant white (shubhra-) garments (vastraA-). She holds the musical instrument (vINA-) in her hands to bestow boons (varada.nDa-) to her disciples as she sits on her white (shveta-) lotus (padma-) throne (aasanA-).

Lord Ganesha

Vakratunda mahaakaaya suryakoti samaprabhaa.
Nirvighnam kurumedeva sarvakaaryeshu sarvadaa..
Salutations to the supreme Lord Ganesha, whose curved trunk (vakra-tunda) and massive body (maha-kaayaa) shines like a million suns (surya-koti) and showers his blessings on everyone (sama-prabhaa). Oh my lord of lords Ganesha (kurume-deva), kindly remove all obstacles (nir-vighnam), always (sarva-) and forever (sarvadaa-) from all my activities and endeavors (sarva-kaaryeshu).
Gajaananam Bhootha Ganaadhi Sevitham
Kapiththa Jamboo Phala Saara Bhakshitham
Umaa Sutham Soka Vinaasa Kaaranam
Namaami Vigne Swara Paadha Pankajam.
Vakra Thunda Mahaa Kaaya Soorya Koti Sama Prabha
Nirvignam Kuru Me Dheva Sarva Kaaryeshu Sarvada.
Agajaa Nana Padhmaarkham Gajaa Nana Mahar Nisam
Anekadham Tham Bhakthaanam Ekadhantham Upaasmahe.

Gayatri mantra





Word for Word Meaning of the Gayatri Mantra

Aum = Brahma ;

bhoor = embodiment of vital spiritual energy(pran) ;

bhuwah = destroyer of sufferings ;

swaha = embodiment of happiness ;

tat = that ;

savitur = bright like sun ;

varenyam = best choicest ;

bhargo = destroyer of sins ;

devasya = divine ;

these first nine words describe the glory of God

dheemahi = may imbibe ; pertains to meditation

dhiyo = intellect ;

yo = who ;

naha = our ;

prachodayat = may inspire!"dhiyo yo na prachodayat" is a prayer to God

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Slokam for Good Day:

Slokam for Good Day:

As and when you get up from the bed in the morning, you may recite this following slokam, by opening your two palms and having close to one another and on seeing your palm.

Meaning of the Slokam :
Karam - Hand; Agre : Top End; Vasathe : Lives; Moole : At the end; Madhyethu : Center;Prabhathe : Morning; Darsanam : To see;
Essence of the Slokam :
In our hands, at the top lives Sri Maha Lakshmi; at the end lives Sri Saraswathi; and in the middle, lives Lord Govindan. Therefore, seeing both the hands in the morning when you raise from your bed is very good for that day and also we will be blessed by these three Gods.